Sunday, September 16, 2007


A lot of things would be different for me right now had I decided not to take the shot. The one thing that wouldn't have been different however, is my ability. Let me explain; a few days before I took the shot my uncle called me (From now on I'll refer to him as Johnny, though that's obviously not his real name). Johnny is my mom's brother, and he's the one member of my family who's always looked out for me, despite it all. He's a doctor, and works in a hospital in Seattle. He was calling me because a job had just opened up at the hospital, and he said that he could pull the right strings to make sure that I ended up getting that job, were I interested in applying. At the time I was still trying to figure out whether or not I was going to take the shot, so I told him I'd think about it, and call him back in a few days. A few days later I had made the decision. I was going to take the shot. As I've said before, I wasn't taking the shot to get an ability, I was taking the shot to kill myself, hoping that it'd shock my Parents and my brother into getting their lives in order. So if I ended up taking the shot and killing myself, there'd be no need to accept that job, might as well let somebody else take it. I had called a lot of people that day, Johnny was the last one. I told him that I wasn't interested in taking the job, that an opportunity had just opened up for me closer to home, he told me that the offer would always be open if I changed my mind. I took the shot right after I hung up.

So how, you ask, does all of that add up to me still having an ability even if I hadn't taken the shot? Well, the hospital that my uncle works at just so happens to be the very same hospital where the "promicin epidemic" started. When I turned on the news that morning, every station was reporting on the events at that hospital. The newscaster was saying that word had come in that half of the people at the hospital had died the previous night, apparently, due promicin poisoning. I called my uncle on his cell phone as soon as the news went to commercial. After trying to get a hold of him all day, he finally picked up the phone. He was okay, he said that the police had sealed off the hospital, refusing to let anyone out. He told me that the first thing he suspected was that, somehow, someone had figured out how to create some sort of undetectable "promicin virus" and let it loose on the hospital. After testing himself, and some of the other people in the hospital, he found that he was right: He, and all the others he had tested, were promicin positive.

So what if I hadn't taken the shot that day? What if I'd called my uncle to tell him that I would take the job, and make the move to Seattle? It's hard to say exactly how things would have went down, but one thing remains certain: I would have been working in that hospital that night. I would have been "infected" with promicin, and I would have gotten my ability.

Fate is a funny thing. I'd like to believe that there's no such thing as "destiny", that I'm in control of my own life. But even if I had decided not to take the shot, even If I had never gotten a hold of promicin in the first place, I was apparently "destined" to get an ability. I really haven't been doing much with my ability beyond personal experimentation. But if I was "destined" to get an ability, then there has to be some higher purpose for me than sitting in my my house alone, seeing how many "adaptations" I can force on myself. Isn't it my responsibility to try and help people? The realization has dawned on me that, I'm probably immortal. My power isn't voluntary, whenever I encounter something, anything, that my body can't deal with, I instantly adapt to it. I'm quite sure that as soon as my body starts deteriorating from the aging procesess, my body will once again adapt, and permantly halt the aging process. So if I can't age, if I can't be physically hurt, and I'm pretty sure that I'llnever get sick again...then there's nothing left that can kill me, not even natural causes. So now I don't have any excuses not to use my ability to help people, in whatever capacity I can; even the selfish reasonings no longer apply, because there's absolutely no risk involved, because even if some psycho tries to kill me, the attempt would just make me stronger.

I've been hearing on the news that Seattle is still under quarantine, and that Jordan Collier and his followers are currently in control in the city. They say that the quarantine will be lifted next week. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my ability. One thing is for certain though: as soon as the quarantine is lifted, I'm going to Seattle to see my uncle . I think I'll finally take him up on his job offer.

Also, an Adaptation update:
I already wrote about my adaptation allowing me to see in total darkness, but a week ago my eyesight got a whole lot better. I was at a baseball game with some buddies, we sat in the cheap seats. As soon as I tried to focus my vision to try and tell what was going on, I could suddenly see the field like I was sitting in the front row. After some experimentation, I realized that if I focus my vision, I can see as far as I need to. When I got home from the game I focused as hard as I could, and was able to "look" all the way to the other side of the city. Every time I try, I can look farther and farther. Honestly, I'm kind of freaking myself out with this; just the other day I was able to read over the shoulder of a guy reading a book, in a park, on the other side of the state.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Promise City

Jordan Collier is either a genius, or he's completely insane. Honestly, when it comes to that guy the line between the two is so blurry that I can't see it. He's telling the world that it was people from the future who abducted the 4400, gave them all abilities, then sent them all back to try and save the world. That sounds crazy. But then again, if someone were to shoot me in the head right now, the bullet would bounce right off. So I guess the definition of "crazy" doesn't really apply to all of this "4400 stuff".

I turned on the news the other day, only to see that Collier has turned some river delta in Seattle into his own "Promicin positive utopia" I really didn't know what to think. My gut reaction was to pack up and move to the place, if for no other reason than to have somebody to talk to about the insane things that I can do. But then I started thinking. Jordon Collier's main goal seems to be getting humanity to accept the 4400, and promicin positives. However it's seeming to me that everything he does to try and reach his goal only results in people with abilities becoming more isolated from the rest of humanity. Shawn Farrell said something to that effect on tv last night, and I agree with him whole heartedly.

By taking over part of a city and making it his own "people with abilities land" Jordan Collier is just spreading more fear amongst "normal" people. The average person is going to see 'Promise City' and think that people with abilities are trying to take over the world, first Seattle, next the whole country. But, that's not to say that he's not doing some good things. He is. Some of the things that Jordan and his people are doing, for the city, for the environment, it's amazing. And I know that, by doing these good things, he's trying to help humanity to see that people with abilities can do amazing things, and that we're not here to hurt anybody. I fear though, that the fact that he's taken over part of Seattle is creating so much fear that it's overshadowing any good that he's doing.

I guess only time will tell.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Shawn Farrell

Shawn Farrell is running for office. For a seat on the Seattle city council, to be exact. Being that I don't live in Seattle, I can't vote for him, but his run for office does effect me. As I'm sure anyone who is reading this will know, Shawn is a 4400. He has what is probably one of the most powerful abilities out of all of the 4400's, he can heal. He can heal any illness that any person may have, even if it's genetic, like Huntington's disease or Alzheimer's.

There are a lot of people out there who are afraid of the 4400; they look at them as 'freaks' who can only do harm to society. Now, with promicin on the streets, this fear has only been intensified. Not only are new people with abilities popping up, but the people who don't get abilities are dying when they try. If Shawn, a 4400, runs for office and wins then maybe he can help people get over their fears and the ignorance that perpetuates them.

I am promicin positive. I have a unique ability that I could probably use to help a great many people. When I took promicin, I wasn't aiming to save the world, I wasn't trying to transform myself into some sort of savior, I was trying to kill myself to save my family. But now I do have an ability, and I'm not a 'savior', but I certainly can help people that need helping. But with the laws that have been passed regarding promicin, I can't really do that. It's illegal for me to use my newfound talents. Sure, I could get some sort of dispensation from the government that would allow me to use my talents for their purposes, but as long as I'm working for the government (even a well intentioned government) there's the very high likely-hood that my talents are going to be misused.

I don't know if there's anything that Shawn Farrell can do to improve the current situation, even if he wins the election and takes office. Even if his run for office is well intentioned on his part, more than likely there's someone behind the scenes controlling him who's using him for their own purposes. But right now he's the only hope that I see in this horrible mess.

Saturday, June 23, 2007 is shutting down. was a great website. It provided a lot of resources for people curious about promicin who wanted to get more information on the subject. Unfortunately, the users of the forum posted freely about their exploits while using there abilities AFTER such ability use was clearly deemed illegal. So head on over to Http:// while you still can, because despite the fact that the powers-that-be have deemed it illegal, it's still worth checking out.

As for my blog? It's safe. I haven't posted any accounts of ability/promicin use on my part after the ban, and as long as I keep that up then I'll be fine. I don't know who reads this blog, or if anyone does at all, but to all of you out there with an ability, whether it was promicin induced or if your a 4400, BE CAREFUL. I know that NTAC has no interest in starting a witch hunt, but with the way that things are going, I'm beginning to fear that it's inevitable.

The 'be careful' warning brings me to something else I want to mention. On there's a video of a congressmen making a victory speech, commending the American people (and himself) for getting anti promicin bill passed. In the middle of his speech, he began to dance around the stage, unable to stop. This was due to a promicin positive (Chris Morris) in the audience who has the ability to make people dance. It's a harmless ability, and the worst thing that could possibly come out of it is damaged pride. The people in charge however will almost certainly spin this incident a different way.

While the majority of us know that what Chris did was completely harmless, the anti-promicin people out there will call that act ‘a terrifying example of what these terrorists can do’. They’ll call it ‘mind control’, they’ll say ‘that if they can force someone to dance around, then couldn’t they also force someone to kill others, or kill themselves, or do any number of things?’ I know that a statement like that is completely ridiculous, but that’s exactly what they’re going to say, and in times like these when fear overrules logic and reason, the people will believe them.

So, back to the BE CAREFUL warning. To all of you out there with fairly harmless abilities, like Chris, THINK about something before you do it. Because even if you're only out to pull a harmless prank, your actions could (and probably will) be perceived much differently by the public at large. All it takes is for ONE of us to screw up and use our ability irresponsibly, and we ALL become the scapegoats.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Promicin ban, and other stuff

About a week ago, legislation went through congress that made promicin, as well as the use of promicin induced abilities, illegal. When I first heard the news, I really didn't know how to respond. Not only am I promicin positive, but I also happen to have a fairly powerful ability, so my first reaction was fear. Then I had a flash back to high school government class. The constitution of the United States of America says that a person can not be arrested for committing an illegal act BEFORE it was made illegal. So the fact that I injected myself with promicin doesn't put me at risk. So as long as I don't use my ability, theoretically, I should be fine.

My second reaction was to think about the NTAC guys who were standing outside my door keeping watch for any accomplices of the crazy guy who tried to kill me. Would these guys come bursting through my door, the constitution be damned, and come and arrest me? They didn't. They, along with a VERY official looking woman (probably a "higher-up" from NTAC) talked to me. They said that there isn't anything they can (or want) to do to me legally. Because I injected myself, and used my abilities, before the law was passed, I'm in the free and clear. Then the 'big boss' lady started talking, and the rest of that talk got very interesting. I'm not going to go into any details (safety/security reasons) but basically, I'm going to be fine as long as I agree to "scratch their back" every now and again should they develop an itch. If you catch my drift.

And speaking of the NTAC guys, they left not to long ago; fairly soon after our talk. They didn't figure that I was in anymore immediate danger.

Also, adaptation update :

A few days before the promicin ban, I dusted off an old sketch pad, figured I'd sit down and draw for a while to take my mind off of things. A few seconds after I touched pencil to paper, I found that I was suddenly able to draw anything that was in front of me (or anything that I could think of) perfectly. Everything I drew that day looked, basically, like a black and white photograph of whatever it was I was trying to draw. Now, I'm not exactly sure how I "adapted" to become a better artist, but I'm guessing that it has something to do with my hand eye coordination.

Much later that night, I was having a drink at a bar not to far from my house. Some idiot decided that it'd be funny to throw a dart at my head while my back was turned. He threw the dart as hard as he could, and just when the dart was about an inch away from my head, I turned around and caught it. So, for anybody who's keeping track (and I know my good buddies down at NTAC are) Add lightning fast reflexes to the list of 'instant adaptations'.

Again, as far as I can tell, both of those adaptations are permanent.

Monday, June 11, 2007

someone tried to kill me- AGAIN

About twenty minutes ago, yet ANOTHER shot from a high powered rifle went through the window of my kitchen, and hit me dead on, right in the head. This tells me two things: First of all, this guy knew that I'd injected, but he had to have found out another way besides watching me, because if he HAD been watching me for any length of time at all, then he would've known that shooting me wouldn't have worked (I'm assuming that he just figured he missed last time, else he wouldn't have tried again). I'm going to venture a guess that this guy had found out that people were handing out promicin, went to some of the "hand-out spots" and kept track of some of the people who took the shot, and found out just enough about them to figure out where they all live, paying no attention to their abilities, just trying to kill them as soon as he could.

Anyhow, the NTAC guys outside my house caught the guy this time. They're not telling me anything, but I overheard one of them talking to his superior, it sounds like they're sending one more gaurd to watch over me (that makes three of them).

Also, adaptation update: Apparently I've become more bullet proof, I guess due to the fact that I've been hit by a shot from a high powered rifle twice in a few days. The first time I had my buddy shoot me with his hunting rifle, the bullet hit me, left a nasty bruise, but didn't break the skin. The same thing happened when buddy shot me four more times with his gun (just to see what would happen). When the rifle hit me for the first time the bullet hit, and left a bruise, but it wasn't nearly as nasty as the first time I was shot, and it went away the next day. This time when the bullet hit me? It bounced off of my head, and went into the ceiling. No bruise, and not nearly as much pain.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


I was going to start off by saying that "my name isn't important", but that would be a lie. My name is very important to certain people, and that's exactly the reason why It would be a bad idea to tell any of you what it is.

Last month I injected myself with promicin. I figured I had nothing to loose. My mom's a drunk, my dad wishes that I'd never been born, my little brother had gotten ahold of promicin before I did, and was going to inject, eventually, and my life had hit a dead end a long time ago. I knew about the 50/50 chances, but I didn't care. Truth-be-told, the fact that the shot could've killed me is the reason why I took it. My family was on a road to self destruction, and the only way I could think to stop them, would be to kill myself, and hope that my death would shock them into getting their lives back on track. So I took the shot, hoping to die.

Obviously, I didn't die. Nothing has changed with my family, if anything they've gotten more self destructive. But it's not all bad. The one consequence of me injecting myself with promicin that I hadn't given any thought to had happened: I've developed an ability.

The only thing that I can think of calling it is "instant adaptation". I accidentally cut myself with a knife while cutting an apple, and my skin adapted to become 'unbreakable' before the blade even broke the skin. I went for a swim, and then found that I had adapted to be able to breath underwater (no gills though...still not quite sure how that works). I watched the Spanish channel for a few seconds and I instantly learned spanish. I flipped through old math notes, and now Calculus is as easy for me as addition. And that was all just in the first day that I discovered my ability. It's been weeks since that day and all of those 'adaptations' are still there. I'm still fluent in spanish, still can breath underwater, still a math wiz, and I'm definitely still Unbreakable. The next day I had a buddy of mine shoot me with his hunting rifle, and low and behold, the bullet bounced off of my chest (left a nasty bruise after the first shot he took though).

Not only do I have an ability, but a pretty powerful one at that. Since that first day some interesting things have happened:

I had that same buddy who shot me, drive at me at full speed in his car to see if I could 'adapt' to outrun the car. I did. He was going 50 miles an hour, I was going faster.

I went outside when it was pitch black, and now I can see in the dark.

I went to work out at the gym to work out, and my muscles went into overdrive: Now I'm strong enough to lift a car over my head.

You'd think with an ability like this I'd be thrilled. I'm not. Last week I noticed someone following me, everywhere I went. At first I figured it was an NTAC agent keeping tabs on me. But then a few days ago that same "someone" tried to kill me. Shot at me with a very high powered rifle, right into my bedroom (I guess they hadn't been watching TOO closely if they didn't know that that wasn't going to work.) After the guy fired the shot, and hit me dead on, I ran out of my house to see if I could catch him. I chased him through the woods in back of my house for a while, but he lost me. I may be able to see in the dark and run faster than an olympian, but whoever this guy was, he's had some sort of training. I managed to rip off his jacket before he got away though. It has a really odd logo on it. I don't want to post an image of it, I figure it would be safer if I didn't.

Whoever that guy was though, I know that he wasn't an NTAC agent, or if he is then he wasn't acting on their behalf. How do I know this? Because not more than two minutes later some real official looking guys came to my door; They were NTAC agents. Said they'd been following some "Promicin-Injector killer" for a while now and tracked him to my house. They said that they won't arrest me for injecting myself with Promicin because they can't. Because it isn't offically against the law to inject yourself with promicin, there's nothing they can do. And even if there's a law passed eventually that states it's illegal to inject, they can't arrest me THEN because I injected myself when it was still legal, and the Constitution of the United States says that a person can not be arrested for an illegal act that was committed before it was illegal. The NTAC agents said that they just wanted to keep me safe.

And besides, if they wanted me gone, then they would've tried to detain me right then and there, they could've had people waiting in my house while I went out and chased the guy, and gotten the drop on me (and trust me, despite my powerful "adaptations" they could have found a way).

Anyhow, I wanted to start this journal because I figured that there are a lot of people out there who've injected, and I thought that it might be nice to be able to read this and know that there's someone else out there going through the same things that they are.

I'll provide an update when something update-worthy happens.