Sunday, June 10, 2007


I was going to start off by saying that "my name isn't important", but that would be a lie. My name is very important to certain people, and that's exactly the reason why It would be a bad idea to tell any of you what it is.

Last month I injected myself with promicin. I figured I had nothing to loose. My mom's a drunk, my dad wishes that I'd never been born, my little brother had gotten ahold of promicin before I did, and was going to inject, eventually, and my life had hit a dead end a long time ago. I knew about the 50/50 chances, but I didn't care. Truth-be-told, the fact that the shot could've killed me is the reason why I took it. My family was on a road to self destruction, and the only way I could think to stop them, would be to kill myself, and hope that my death would shock them into getting their lives back on track. So I took the shot, hoping to die.

Obviously, I didn't die. Nothing has changed with my family, if anything they've gotten more self destructive. But it's not all bad. The one consequence of me injecting myself with promicin that I hadn't given any thought to had happened: I've developed an ability.

The only thing that I can think of calling it is "instant adaptation". I accidentally cut myself with a knife while cutting an apple, and my skin adapted to become 'unbreakable' before the blade even broke the skin. I went for a swim, and then found that I had adapted to be able to breath underwater (no gills though...still not quite sure how that works). I watched the Spanish channel for a few seconds and I instantly learned spanish. I flipped through old math notes, and now Calculus is as easy for me as addition. And that was all just in the first day that I discovered my ability. It's been weeks since that day and all of those 'adaptations' are still there. I'm still fluent in spanish, still can breath underwater, still a math wiz, and I'm definitely still Unbreakable. The next day I had a buddy of mine shoot me with his hunting rifle, and low and behold, the bullet bounced off of my chest (left a nasty bruise after the first shot he took though).

Not only do I have an ability, but a pretty powerful one at that. Since that first day some interesting things have happened:

I had that same buddy who shot me, drive at me at full speed in his car to see if I could 'adapt' to outrun the car. I did. He was going 50 miles an hour, I was going faster.

I went outside when it was pitch black, and now I can see in the dark.

I went to work out at the gym to work out, and my muscles went into overdrive: Now I'm strong enough to lift a car over my head.

You'd think with an ability like this I'd be thrilled. I'm not. Last week I noticed someone following me, everywhere I went. At first I figured it was an NTAC agent keeping tabs on me. But then a few days ago that same "someone" tried to kill me. Shot at me with a very high powered rifle, right into my bedroom (I guess they hadn't been watching TOO closely if they didn't know that that wasn't going to work.) After the guy fired the shot, and hit me dead on, I ran out of my house to see if I could catch him. I chased him through the woods in back of my house for a while, but he lost me. I may be able to see in the dark and run faster than an olympian, but whoever this guy was, he's had some sort of training. I managed to rip off his jacket before he got away though. It has a really odd logo on it. I don't want to post an image of it, I figure it would be safer if I didn't.

Whoever that guy was though, I know that he wasn't an NTAC agent, or if he is then he wasn't acting on their behalf. How do I know this? Because not more than two minutes later some real official looking guys came to my door; They were NTAC agents. Said they'd been following some "Promicin-Injector killer" for a while now and tracked him to my house. They said that they won't arrest me for injecting myself with Promicin because they can't. Because it isn't offically against the law to inject yourself with promicin, there's nothing they can do. And even if there's a law passed eventually that states it's illegal to inject, they can't arrest me THEN because I injected myself when it was still legal, and the Constitution of the United States says that a person can not be arrested for an illegal act that was committed before it was illegal. The NTAC agents said that they just wanted to keep me safe.

And besides, if they wanted me gone, then they would've tried to detain me right then and there, they could've had people waiting in my house while I went out and chased the guy, and gotten the drop on me (and trust me, despite my powerful "adaptations" they could have found a way).

Anyhow, I wanted to start this journal because I figured that there are a lot of people out there who've injected, and I thought that it might be nice to be able to read this and know that there's someone else out there going through the same things that they are.

I'll provide an update when something update-worthy happens.

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