Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Promise City

Jordan Collier is either a genius, or he's completely insane. Honestly, when it comes to that guy the line between the two is so blurry that I can't see it. He's telling the world that it was people from the future who abducted the 4400, gave them all abilities, then sent them all back to try and save the world. That sounds crazy. But then again, if someone were to shoot me in the head right now, the bullet would bounce right off. So I guess the definition of "crazy" doesn't really apply to all of this "4400 stuff".

I turned on the news the other day, only to see that Collier has turned some river delta in Seattle into his own "Promicin positive utopia" I really didn't know what to think. My gut reaction was to pack up and move to the place, if for no other reason than to have somebody to talk to about the insane things that I can do. But then I started thinking. Jordon Collier's main goal seems to be getting humanity to accept the 4400, and promicin positives. However it's seeming to me that everything he does to try and reach his goal only results in people with abilities becoming more isolated from the rest of humanity. Shawn Farrell said something to that effect on tv last night, and I agree with him whole heartedly.

By taking over part of a city and making it his own "people with abilities land" Jordan Collier is just spreading more fear amongst "normal" people. The average person is going to see 'Promise City' and think that people with abilities are trying to take over the world, first Seattle, next the whole country. But, that's not to say that he's not doing some good things. He is. Some of the things that Jordan and his people are doing, for the city, for the environment, it's amazing. And I know that, by doing these good things, he's trying to help humanity to see that people with abilities can do amazing things, and that we're not here to hurt anybody. I fear though, that the fact that he's taken over part of Seattle is creating so much fear that it's overshadowing any good that he's doing.

I guess only time will tell.

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